Lisa O’Driscoll


Lisa’s journey with yoga began over 15 years ago, when she lived in the UK. A lower back injury in 2013 lead her to restart her journey with yoga and movement with a different mindset. Lisa practiced yoga, Pilates, and strength training in this period, but it wasn’t until 2021 when she started with a new teacher that she started to notice the greater benefits of her yoga practice on her mind, body and soul.

Some life changing events and a global pandemic aside, Lisa noticed how quiet her mind could become after practice: a feeling she hadn’t been experiencing for some time. She decided to dig deeper into what this was and began a course on the foundations of yoga in February 2024, which gave Lisa an insight into yoga philosophy, as well as different yoga styles. The 6 months of that course started a shift in mindset and Lisa decided she wanted to pursue a teacher training course to be able to share this more rounded view of yoga with others.

Having trained with Himalaya Yoga Valley under Yogacharya Lalit this past summer, Lisa is excited to start her teaching journey, and looks forward to teaching her favourite styles of Yin, Restorative and Ashtanga yoga.