Ashtanga Yoga Weekend with Nita Miralles and Michael Schabort!

Ashtanga Weekend with Nita Miralles & Michael Schabort
May 10th, 11th & 12th 2019
Workshop times and dates:
Friday 10/05 6.30pm – 9pm: The Heart and Essence of Yoga
Saturday 11/05 10am – 12pm Led Ashtanga Class
Saturday 11/05 2pm – 5pm Journey to Padmasana Through Yin
Sunday 12/05 10am – 1pm Led Ashtanga Class + Conference (Yoga Dharma, questions, the Now, Philosophy)
Friday, The Heart and Essence of Yoga:
The first thing you do when you come into this life is Inhale and the last thing you do when you leave this life is exhale.
Cultivating an even steady breath is essential when it comes down to living yoga to the fullest. If you are able to cultivate the pranic breath skillfully with physical movement you are already a fully fledged Yogi.
You are neither more nor less than anyone.
It is important always to remind ourselves and never to forget that we are all beginners. It is only with a beginners mind that we as yogis can remain open and ready to receive and stay inspired in the present moment.
We hope to inspire and motivate each and every individual that practices with us.
During the session we will work with Suryanamaskar wrapped in the philosophy of Yoga.
Saturday, Journey to Padmasana through Yin:
A journey that will not leave you indifferent. We will delve into yin yoga to start the journey in our physical body, opening our channels, and relaxing our muscles and joints to achieve the maximum expression in this given moment.
Exploring specific asanas in a form of yin so that we can identify where the blockages are, in order to free up finding depth, space and more flexibility.
Sealing this exploration by digesting our experience sitting in stillness.
This will generally improve our range of motion in other physical activities, such as in Ashtanga yoga practice, in addition to providing more agility to our daily lives.
About the teachers:
Originally from Spain, after an episode that marked a before and after in her life experience, she decides to leave behind everything known and venture to live a more nomadic life. Yoga has been the centre of her life for more than nine years. Fascinated by the connection in the now between the body and the mind synchronized with the breath. The practice of yoga is a daily experience of freedom and development of consciousness. It is to return home, to be here now in pure awareness. It is making love to life every day, the most intimate and profound relationship you have had. To love each other.
Michael, from Cape Town South Africa, Has been running “Mysore Munich, school of ashtanga yoga,” in Munich Germany independently since Dec 2014. From March 2017 he moved on to travel and teach around the world. He has been teaching the Mysore method worldwide for more than 6 years now, and was Authorised level 2 by Sharath Jois, director of the KPJAYI and lineage holder of the Ashtanga Yoga method as taught by K Patthabi Jois. Michael continues to practice under the guidance of Sharath annually at the KPJAYI in Mysore, India.
Being totally committed to this path we call yoga, Michael finds his inspiration in the yogi’s who consciously reflect life as an open book.
He delights in reflecting on the shastras (ancient scriptures) and aspires to walking the path of Dharma. He attentively teaches with enthusiasm and delights in passing on his understanding and experience of yoga with authenticity, love, and mindfulness.
Weekend Workshop Cost:€145
Payment is essential to reserve a space. *Workshop fee is transferable but refundable.
Book now through our website or call us on 0214279696.